Turns the player into a demon, increasing damage by 2 and speed by 1 until you leave the current room. TIP: As mentioned, this card will target Isaac if no enemies are present in the current room make sure that's something you want to do before you use this. Acts as an explosion - will destroy rocks and can open secret rooms.

Summons Mom's foot stomp on a random enemy (targets the player if fighting Mom or if there are no enemies present), dealing massive damage - enough to kill most bosses. TIP: This effect is the same as Spoon Bender and Telepathy For Dummies this card is useless in the case of the former and best used when the latter lacks charge. Player's shots curve towards enemies and may turn purple until you leave the current room. It can also teleport you out of problematic rooms in a pinch. TIP: This card has little use, but it can teleport you out of inescapable rooms like the Challenge Room and the Mom boss fight, and the damage-upon-entry Curse Room. Teleports the player to the starting room of the current level, even if you use the card in the starting room. Offered in the Shop for 5 coins (3 coins on discount).Reward from Slot Machines and Fortune Telling Machines.
Found in Chests (both regular and golden, but not red).Further increased by the Ace Of Spades Trinket.